Whole-Group Area
For whole class lessons -- this includes informal discussion, direct instruction, and student presentations. This will be the mat area where I will instruct, share, and conference with the class most of the time.
Small-Group Area
Here you can give small-group instruction or allow groups of students to gather for peer-led discussions. Groups will have their own individual areas of the classroom study this will make transitions easier and allow for more direct learning times.
Reading Area
This is a place for students to read independently or quietly with a partner. It should provide comfortable seating, a variety of books, and a quiet, secluded atmosphere. I will have comfy chairs and beanbags positioned around the class for this purpose. The students should also have "Browse Boxes" filled with their level reading books to read independently.
Writing Center
Here students write independently and collaboratively. They can choose from a variety of weekly activities and must complete a certain amount before the end of the week.
Computer Station
This area is for computer use in writing, math, reading, keyboard practice, research, telecommunications, and creative games.
Communication Area/Post Office
This area has mail slots for students and teacher to exchange written messages and suggestions. Students will use this area to hand-in assignments and pick up assessed work.
Listening Station
Here students listen to tapes of books, stories, songs, and poems.
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